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KEYWORD "Mortgage Monitor" - 18 RESULTS
High Street lenders could push more into sub-4% deals - Moneyfacts

Examples set by the big High Street brands could push more lenders into offering sub-4% rates, predicts independent mortgage monitor Moneyfacts. The...

29 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Mortgage product choices boom with some at 16-year high

Independent mortgage monitor service Moneyfacts says rises to average two- and five-year fixed mortgage rates have gained pace month-on-month. The overall five-year...

20 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Building Societies target first time buyers with affordability issues

Research from independent mortgage monitor Moneyfactscompare suggests that building societies are working hard to support first-time buyers, for whom affordability has...

09 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Average rate on five-year fixed deal is sub-6% for first time in months

The interest rate on the average five-year fixed mortgage has dropped below 6.0 per cent for the first time in nearly...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Robo advice provides brokers with better ways to serve customers

The launch of business-like mortgage monitor, Dashly, and hybrid mortgage broker, Ladder, are a positive development from the broker sector of...

15 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Growth in number of approvals to small deposit borrowers

First-time buyers and existing homeowners capitalised on low rates across the market in October, according to fresh research from e.surv. Its latest...

16 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Larger deposit borrowers see market share squeezed

First-time buyers and others with small deposits took a greater share of the market last month than in August, according to...

17 October 2018

From: Breaking News

UK mortgage market surged in June

Fresh statistics suggest the UK’s mortgage market has been boosted again, with approvals for home lending up month on month and...

04 August 2017

From: Breaking News

Online mortgage broker secures investment of £4.5 million

An online mortgage broker has announced that it has received backing from fintech investors all over Europe to the tune of...

03 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Buy-to-let landlords face double deadline

February saw the second highest monthly total of house purchase approvals since January 2014 as buy-to-let investors raced to meet April's...

11 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Buy-to-let drives mortgages to nine-year high

The housing market has been given a one-off boost from the surge in buy-to-let lending triggered by April’s tax changes. New figures show that...

11 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Supply crunch hits  mortgage lending

The shortage of properties for sale has hit house purchase approvals which fell more than 3% in December. There were 68,218 house purchase...

21 January 2016

From: Breaking News

First-time buyers locked out of market boom

House purchase lending has leapt almost 20% in the past 12 months but first-time buyers remain locked out of the booming...

14 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Housing market enjoys bumper October

Two new sets of figures published today showing the housing market firing on all cylinders into the autumn. House in England and...

12 November 2015

From: Breaking News

September mortgage lending hits new highs

Two new sets of figures published today show that September was another buoyant month for the housing market. There was a 20% year-on-year...

08 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Housing market enjoyed August surge

Two new surveys published today show that the property market scaled new highs yet again in August. The RICS UK Residential Market...

10 September 2015

From: Breaking News

First-time buyers numbers plunge again

The number of first-time buyers plunged more than 27% in the year to June, with no sign of a post-election bounce. There...

31 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Purchase approvals reach 18-month high

The number of house-purchase approvals soared past 72,000 in June, the highest level since January 2014. Figures from chartered surveyor e.surv’s Mortgage Monitor...

10 July 2015

From: Breaking News

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