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KEYWORD "UK economy" - 28 RESULTS
Significant Tax Raid Coming - stark warning from tax expert

Families across the UK and even those overseas with assets in Britain need to urgently consider ways to mitigate the potential...

02 September 2024

From: Breaking News

Bank of England slammed as too slow at cutting rates

The Bank of England has been sharply rebuked by a think tank which claims rate cuts should have come faster. The free-market...

19 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Mortgage Lending set to double next year - new figures

UK mortgage lending is forecast to grow just 1.5% (net) in 2024, according to the latest EY ITEM Club Outlook for...

13 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Bank of England Base Rate Cut - when will it happen?

The Bank of England has signalled that more than one interest rate cut is likely this year - but the question...

02 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Massive importance of Private Rental Sector revealed in new report

Some of the biggest names in the trade, lending and advisory sectors have produced a report outlining the vast significance that...

27 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Bank of England chief warns of ‘future shocks’ derailing recovery

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey is warning that ‘future shocks’ may yet derail economic recovery. In a session with MPs at...

15 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Interest Rates Are Redefining Housing Market - Nationwide

The Nationwide says high interest rates are helping to redefine the housing market in terms of transaction volumes and choices of...

11 October 2023

From: Breaking News

High Mortgage Rates are bad for your health (literally)

Pressure on mortgage holders is leaving Briton struggling to cope with their mental and physical health according to a wellbeing service...

20 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Will improving economic news trigger a Mortgage War?

There is speculation that the recent spate of figures from the UK economy may prompt a war between mortgage providers as...

21 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Ban The Scams! Consultation requires broker input

Plans to ban cold calls for financial products are the subject of a consultation marking the next step in delivering the...

16 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Brokers’ Views - What Next for Interest Rates?

A series of financial experts give their prediction for next week’s Bank of England monetary policy committee decision - No rise?...

01 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Mortgage costs not deterring housing market - at least not yet

Nationwide says the sharp rise in the costs of mortgages is causing a "significant drag" on the housing market - but...

04 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Revealed - This is exactly how your taxes are spent

Ever wondered how your tax money is distributed? Research from RIFT Tax Refunds has disclosed exactly where your tax goes, with the...

20 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Everything you need to know about the cost-of-living crisis and your property

Every day on the news we hear more and more about the ever-mounting cost-of-living in the UK, and households are now...

16 August 2022

From: Breaking News

AML expert issues fraud warning amid speedy sales market

This story originally appeared on Estate Agent Today, but has been reproduced here in full for the benefit of Introducer Today...

09 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Rising interest rates pose ‘financial misery’ for 57% of buyers

As a direct result of the rising cost of living, over half (57%) of Brits are already struggling financially, or expect...

24 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Zero carbon chaos – period homeowners struggle to reach net-zero

More than three-quarters of the UK’s period homeowners admit they are unsure of how to improve their properties as part of...

13 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Rise of the bridging loan

The NACFB is sometimes perceived as being an Association of commercial mortgage brokers and asset finance brokers, forgetting the other 20%...

14 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Brokers enjoy “busy start to 2016”

Almost four out of 10 finance brokers enjoyed a busy start to 2016 but most rate the economic outlook as "fair" rather...

01 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Mortgage products fly to record high

Brokers have more choice than ever before with the number of mortgage products hitting an all-time high in March. However, new mortgage application...

28 April 2016

From: Breaking News

House price growth hits double digits again

House price inflation has hit double digits for the first time in almost two years with prices rising more than £20,000 in the...

08 April 2016

From: Breaking News

IMF warns of UK housing market threat

The IMF has warned that the UK's unbalanced housing market could threaten future economic growth. It said the UK economy is on...

14 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Interest rates to rise after Christmas

The mortgage industry can expect the first interest rate hike shortly after Christmas, experts say. The National Institute of Economic and Social Research...

05 November 2015

From: Breaking News

Now another Bank policymaker hints at early rate hike

The prospect of an interest rate hike in the UK may be closer than markets realise, according to a Bank of...

15 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Bank of England to unleash fresh buy-to-let crackdown

The Bank of England could be handed new powers to restrict buy-to-let lending and curb the property boom. Chancellor George Osborne is...

22 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Bank should not ‘rush to judge’ buy to let

The Bank of England is facing criticism for recent comments which warned of the dangers to the UK economy of the...

07 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Buy-to-let threatens UK economy

The Bank of England has warned that the booming buy-to-let market poses a threat to the financial stability of the UK. It...

03 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Is Scotland’s Housing Market Better Together?

Scotland has voted to stay in the union – at least for now – and one question that investors will have...

25 June 2015

From: Sponsored Content

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