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KEYWORD "rental costs" - 7 RESULTS
Mortgage Costs make buying in much of London hugely dearer than renting

Londoners looking to buy a home can expect to spend 42% more on monthly mortgage payments than tenants pay on rent,...

20 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Landlords to expand portfolios in 2024 despite huge increase in costs

Many landlords say they’re set to expand investments in 2024 despite facing up to 80 per cent higher costs in the...

18 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Cost of living leaves 86% of rental households feeling financially strained

The pressure of the constant surge in the cost of living for UK rental households are prevalent, and the effects are...

10 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Insight - Monthly London rent could last for 5 in these European capitals

Living as a resident in London can burn quite a hole into your pockets, but in comparison, by how much exactly? Recent...

07 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Crossrail rentals - how has it impacted the market?

Tenants who would like to make the most of Crossrail will pay up to 89% more to reside within arm’s reach...

26 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty hike to put brakes on buy-to-let

Chancellor George Osborne's forthcoming stamp duty surcharge will push up buy-to-let rental costs and trigger a decline in the supply of...

24 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Buy-to-let tax will trigger buying spree

Chancellor George Osborne's assault on the buy-to-let market yesterday could trigger a short-term “spree” as landlords rush to buy property before...

26 November 2015

From: Breaking News

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